In addition to 50/50 raffles, Rafflebox offers the functionality for organizations to run prize draws, and events with early bird winners. This guide will show the user how to properly utilize these features.
*This guide assumes that the user already has their raffle created
Draws With Multiple Prizes
For a draw with multiple prizes, open the raffle in question, and navigate to the Prizes & Winner tab, as shown below:
You will be presented with the Prize Draw screen, which will allow you to start entering your prizes. For this example, we will assume that this is a draw with two small prizes and one grand prize, all being drawn the same day. We'll start by entering the smaller prizes:
For this type of event, enter the date and time at which sales for the entire event will end. Enter a brief description of the Prize in the Prize field, and the value of the prize below. When you've finished entering the details, click Add Prize, and it will now populate in a list to the right. You can click the Edit button on the prize to make changes, or Delete if need be:
Repeat the process above for the second prize:
The Grand Prize for the event does not need to be entered in this manner, as the winner for this prize will be drawn using the standard RNG procedure used by Rafflebox.
When the event comes to a close and it is time to pick winners, navigate to the Pick Winner tab on your raffle page:
You'll start by picking your secondary prize winners. Click pick winner on one of the prizes:
The winner's details will populate in underneath the prize details:
Click Confirm and enter a note about your selection (e.g. secondary prize winner picked winner 11/9/2021) Repeat the process above for all of your prizes. When this is complete, you can select your grand prize winner by clicking the large Pick Winner button shown below:
With your grand prize winner picked, you can click Confirm and close your event.
*Even if all of your prizes are of equal value, follow the process above, as the large Pick Winner button needs to be clicked to properly close your event.
Early Bird Draws
An early bird draw is an event that has secondary prizes, drawn prior to the event coming to a close. For example, an organization could host an event with a grand prize, with a smaller prize being drawn in advance. All ticket purchases prior to the cut-off of the early bird prize would be eligible to win. This is demonstrated below.
Navigate to the Setup Prizes tab on the raffle page in question:
Enter the date and time at which purchases eligible for the early bird draw are cut off. Tickets for the grand prize will still be available for purchase, but any orders placed after this cut-off time will not be included in the early bird draw.
After the cut-off time set above has past, navigate to the Pick Winner tab on your raffle page, and you'll be able to pick the early bird winner.
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